Admin 10 October, 2019


We all know dates are one of nature’s delicious and nutritious secrets to keeping our bodies in their best shape. But did you know that Medjools have mental as well as physical health benefits? It’s World Mental Health Day, and we’re sharing just a few of the ways our Coachella’s Best Dates can contribute to a happier and healthier lifestyle!

You know that overwhelming feeling of joy you get biting into our Organic Medjool Dates? Well, part of that is from its tastiness, but the other part is that Medjools actually can boost your mood! Let’s take a closer look at all of the science packed inside this tiny fruit.


Medjools have a high magnesium content and are packed with B vitamins. Magnesium is an important micronutrient that can help with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other conditions contributing to your mental health. Magnesium can also help regulate your body’s natural melatonin protection, which helps you sleep. When you’re well rested, you feel better. That’s just a fact.


Dates also contain polyphenols, a specific type of antioxidant that helps fight inflammation. Daily intake of polyphenols can play a large role in your mental health, including brain plasticity, behavior and mood, and cognition. They can even alleviate symptoms of depression. Pro tip: dried dates are even more jam-packed with polyphenols than our fresh ones!


Medjool dates are known for their high fiber concentration. Fiber absorbs carbohydrates slowly, which can prevent spikes in blood sugar. Maintaining a steady blood sugar level directly affects energy and mood. When you get your daily fiber intake from your diet of dates, they’re actually working to keep you feeling balanced and stable! This is why we recommend dates as a part of breakfast, or for an afternoon pick-me-up to keep you going all day long.


Our dates are a strong source of vitamin B6, one of the B vitamins required for proper production of neurotransmitters. You may know some of these neurotransmitters as dopamine and serotonin, which are both recognized for creating positive emotional responses like happiness. So what we’re saying is, eating dates can literally make you happier!

We hope you’ll treat yourself this Mental Health Day! These are just a handful of reasons to reach for our Organic Medjool Dates next time you’re craving a sweet treat. To try our dates or learn more about our business, visit